Monday, September 8, 2014

Out and about

Renovating a house takes so much time and this project for us has taken even longer than I ever imagined. In thinking back, one reason it has taken so long is that we took time to smell the roses, so to speak.  I really did think we would be doing much more touring around our new province but we found it difficult to leave our little piece of heaven here in Liscomb.  Now that is not to say we never leave home.  We are having fun doing what we want, when we want, whether that is working on the house or exploring Nova Scotia. 

Magical Peggy's Cove
.....not quite sure what I was expecting the day we went to Peggy's Cove.  I suppose I thought it would just be a tourist trap and nothing really very special...well I was so wrong.  As we approached the village the shoreline changed dramatically reminding us of our beloved Georgian Bay back in Ontario.  The village is very quaint and what you'd expect when thinking of a Nova Scotia fishing village.  The day we went there were several artists scattered throughout the village and across the rocks painting scenes that we are all familiar with.  It really is an artist's paradise.  It is also a place every visitor to Nova Scotia should experience.







If houses could talk

...I wonder what stories these houses would tell....they are everywhere in Nova Scotia, houses just left to fall to ruin. 


Just left to fall apart, hundreds, probably thousands scattered throughout the Maritimes.  We see them everywhere.  I've started taking pictures of these long ago beautiful houses and perhaps some day I can bring them back to life through my photography.
Oh my......this is one of our reasons for moving to Nova Scotia, to be on the ocean.  There are so many beautiful beaches...some are like the Caribbean, others rocky....some easily found, others hidden away known only by the locals and yet others impossible to access other than by boat.  The dogs are confused by the salt water and I am not surprised since they lived on a fresh water lake back in Ontario. I love the ocean except of course when I see the jelly fish coming in with the tide. I am fascinated with salt the smell of it, intrigued with the taste and mesmerized by the tides. 


  I could spend hours beachcombing, looking for those special treasures the sea washes up with the tide.  Poor Michael, he has to deal with the sea art I drag home, dry out and then display on the wall or in baskets on the tables.



 Oh, how I love living on the ocean!