Friday, June 13, 2014

Lobster Dinners

So we were sitting here a couple of weeks ago deciding what to have for dinner when our neighbour/fisherman knocked on the door and dropped off two fresh out of the ocean lobsters...and I mean dropped them off, right on our front door mat......YIKES...I've never cooked lobster and don't even have a lobster pot (gonna have to get one of those now).  Thank goodness for the newly installed laundry tub and into it go the lobsters.  Now the problem of what to do with them.....add water Michael says so I turn on the tap unsure about the fresh water....the smaller of the two doesn't look too happy and starts to curl up right away.  Michael gets on Google (how did we ever live without that) and yells NO FRESH WATER, so I pull the neither lobster is looking too happy.  Michael gives me instructions from the  internet on how to cook the lobster and then leaves for town.  The largest pot I have is my large roasting pan.  It holds the 8 quarts of water but it's long not deep but I'd better give it a try .  No way I am trudging down to the ocean to get salt water since it's raining cats and dogs so I use my trusty sea salt out of a bottle, salt the 8 quarts of water and wait for it to boil, and wait and wait.  Finally it is boiling and off to the laundry room I go for lobster number 1.....head first upside down the instructions say, so into the pot he goes and on goes the lid...wait to boil again and cook for 20 minutes.....two lobsters later you should see my stove...covered with salt water and lobster boilover........that was my day..LOL

Greetings from the Maritimes where I've now cooked my first lobster...
The second round of lobster was so much easier since I was now a pro.  Friends from Ontario were to be treated to an East Coast dinner of fresh from the ocean lobster and scallops.  I picked up the lobster from our neighbour/lobster fisherman as soon as he returned from sea.  This was our friends' first time cooking lobster and each of them took a turn....Robert wouldn't pick up the lobster with his hands so he used the lobster gloves that Michael bought....aren't men funny.  We laughed until we thought our sides would split.....  Gosh how I wish I'd taken a picture.  The night was one we would not soon forget.


So beautiful on my Japanese dishes

the carnage


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