Sunday, January 12, 2014

House purchased and closed

So my great plans of a blog haven't exactly started off too well since it seems I have been posting these in the wrong order....if you're confused reading them don't worry it's not you..LOL  So, finally noticing what I've done, here is the beginning....hope you are not as confused as I am.

Greetings from Liscomb July 8, 2013
It has been so hot here we had to buy a couple of air conditioners....Nova Scotia Power is going to love us. The blackflies are wicked right now. I have so many bites on my face I look like I have a disease LOL....been cutting the field back on the new John Deere tractor to get them farther from the house. Everyone here has a different solution against the bugs from Vicks vapor rub to Listerine Original...the Vicks actually did seem to help against the blackflies. Tomorrow I am using big Bertha and wearing the blackfly jacket. Michael is afraid of her but I'm more in hatred of the flies so am prepared to tackle her to get the tall grass cut back. Bertha is supposed to cut down small trees so I'd best be careful with her. I cleared a large area with the tractor down by the ocean and took two muskoka chairs down. It's a lovely place to sit especially when it is windy to keep the bugs away. Plan on making a patio area there with a fire bowl.....lots of plans. Set up the hammock under a stand of trees down by the ocean and had my first siesta yesterday afternoon. There was a lovely breeze which kept the bugs at bay. The bed and sofa and Mikey's chair arrived Friday. It's nice to sleep in a bed and not an air mattress.....and super great to sit on a sofa instead of a lawn chair...all the comforts of home now and we are loving it.

Spent the day in Antigonish and New Glasgow yesterday looking for things....ceiling fans, small sink vanity for the downstairs bathroom, curtains...couldn't find anything....the shopping is terrible here. Seems you have to order everything in so we are doing as the locals. We went to Home Hardware site on the internet and searched for white blinds for the family room windows, wrote down the codes and will head into Sherbrooke this afternoon to have them order them for us. They get shipped to the little store in town and then we pick them up from there......

Wishing now that I had brought our cheeses with us. All you can get in town is Kraft cheddar...oh to have a slab of Asiago and a block of blue right now! The things you take for granted.

In clearing back the tall grass we've discovered a large stand of wild roses that are ready to bloom. It's going to be a beautiful sight once they all come into bloom. The property is covered with them.

It's starting to rain and it's much cooler today..hurray. Michael's been out in the barn, his pride and joy. He can't wait to get everything out of it to see what we have in there. One thing we did see is a large trunk that belonged to the original owner. We could make out her name on the end. It is buried under a lot of stuff so we can't open it to see if there is anything in it. Once we get the grass cut back from the barn we will spend a day clearing it out.


Been painting the trim in the small bathroom and now waiting for it to dry before I put up the mini blinds. I feel a lazy afternoon coming:)

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