Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sweater weather and snow

Greetings from Liscomb Nov 18, 2013 email
 We've had sweater weather and snow, it changes day to day but you can tell winter is around the corner.  We've been getting all the outdoor work done, you know...caulking, putting summer furniture away, wrapping up the hot time to set it up and get it working now, putting up Christmas lights.  Michael is going to put lights on one of the large pine trees out front.  It will be beautiful to look at through the family room window and I can't wait to see it lit up.

The driveway was being graveled today, at least half of it.  Things move at a different pace down here, one of the fellows was going deer hunting so could only work half the day.....the rest of the driveway has to wait until he comes back.  Trying to find a fireplace company to install a wood insert is proving to be a challenge....seems no one wants to come to the "country" or if they will they want to charge a small fortune for their traveling time.  Michael has a call into 3 other fellows so here's hoping we find someone soon.  Michael's young helper has been a great help to us especially moving things to the barn and up into the loft.  His dad was doing the larger jobs for us but has slipped a disc and is out of commission.  He is waiting for surgery and the waiting list is a year or two.....terrible that he has to wait so long.  We will have to find someone to replace him since we still have those jobs that we can't do ourselves.  This is certainly an adventure.
The boxes are slowly being unpacked, finding somewhere to put everything is the challenge.  Now that we've done the outside work, Michael will start putting the sub flooring down in the living room and then we can place the furniture in that room.  We haven't chosen the flooring yet so will live with subfloor while we finish some of the other work.  We love the house.  It is the perfect size and has a wonderful feel to it.  It will be absolutely charming when we are done with it.  
Our appliances are set up now and the old ones that came with the house have all gone to someone who could really use them.  
This Friday is the Sherbrooke Village Christmas tree lighting.  Everyone meets on Main street and they give you a candle, then everyone walks down the street to the tree where the tree is lit...not sure what happens to our candles then but there will be fireworks and music.  It should be really neat and a great chance for us to meet more people here.  The next two weekends have lots of activities at the Village including a turkey dinner prepared by a famous local chef.  The Christmas house tour is happening as well so there is lots to do in the next little while.
We went into Halifax yesterday specifically to meet with a local artist.  We have commissioned a painting.  We gave her several pictures of our place, the views and the dogs and she is going to paint a picture in Nova Scotia folk art style that represents our place.  We are excited about this and so is she.  It will really be unique and something we will cherish for the rest of our lives.  The Halifax market was wonderful, not too large but featuring lots of local artisans and their wares.  We had the most amazing chili cornish pasty for lunch.  Downtown Halifax was pretty neat and we are looking forward to another trip and a day of wandering the streets and discovering some great shops.....since I haven't been able to find gram flour for my Indian treats in Antigonish or New Glasgow, I'm looking forward to finding some ethnic food stores in Halifax.
We are having fun discovering new places.  There is a real calmness and beauty here and we can feel ourselves settling in to a new life.  

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