Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lots of excitement

December 3, 2013
We are doing good.  Had a storm door installed on family room today.  Tomorrow the new kitchen window is going in.  Ordered the hardwood flooring for the kitchen, livingroom and front hall as well as a new front door.  All that should be here in a couple of weeks and we will install it after Christmas.  I am removing the existing tile on the fireplace hearth tomorrow and Thursday Michael and his helper are installing the new tile.  The fireplace insert should be here next week.  Still haven't even started to unpack the basement so perhaps next week we will tackle that.  We have shelving to put together then Michael can put everything away.  There's quite a bit down there that can go out to the barn so once I get all that stacked then our little helper will move it all for us to the barn.  Every day we do something. 
A storm is coming in tonight with a lot of rain and high winds.  We've had snow but our little place seems to miss most of it.  We were up in Cape Breton Sunday visiting our artist friend, Katherine, and came back in snow that was not forecast so it was a long, slow drive home.  It was great to see her and she really appreciated that we made the trip.  This was the weekend in Sydney for the sale at the Craft Design Centre.
We are discovering the little restaurants in the area.  We have a coffee bistro in town that is wonderful.  The owners are friendly and it seems to be the gathering place...great coffee as well.  The locals have welcomed us with open arms.  We never know when someone will drop in.  Last week a couple dropped in with a fruit basket which was really nice.  Two weekends ago was the start of the Christmas in Sherbrooke event.  We went for the tree lighting on the Friday night and it looked like everyone was out for it.   After the tree was lit we were given candles and the procession went down main to the Village (you can Google Sherbrooke Village).  We stopped at the Bistro for coffee and then went to the Village where all the buildings were decorated and lit up.  It was a wonderful event with music and fireworks .  The Christmas at the Village is over the 2 weekends with crafts, wagon rides, craft shows, turkey dinners, ham dinners and all kinds of other things.  This weekend is the  Christmas house tours, Christmas tea served by the men (didn't want to miss that one), craft and bake sale, walk of trees at one of the churches and the memory tree at our church across our valley.  There was an old fashioned candlelight carol service at one of the little churches Sunday night but we were not back in time for it.  Christmas Eve there is a carol service at our little church which we will attend.  So as you can see this is a very busy little community.

I put garland and white lights along the railings out front today.  We needed to light it up since it is so dark outside.  Our neighbour at the end of our driveway called to tell us it was wonderful to see lights down here.  They are in their 80s and said they've never seen lights this time of year from the house.  They were quite overwhelmed and actually took down a tree on their property so they could see the lights more easily from their place..LOL..welcome to Nova Scotia.  We got the sign up at the end of the driveway...the one I had made in Toronto.  It looks great and the locals love it. 


A buck crossed the property this morning and he was beautiful.  He had a rack and Michael said he was probably about 4 years old....sure glad he escaped the hunters and hope he sticks around.  Sprocket spotted him so with all his barking I doubt the deer will come very close to the house. 




The pheasants are around, 2 males and a few females.  They come for the birdseed.  The males are beautiful.

Cooked salmon and scallops for dinner tonight and they were wonderful...guess being fresh from the ocean makes a difference.

So everything is good down here in the Maritimes....

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